Posted By: wraggster
News from one of DCEmus Finest - PSPDemon 
Hi everyone....
this is Neonic World Texture Pack for Throttle X v0.3
what has been changed.( contents of the pack )
-Car Skin
-Tire Skin
-Power Up images
-Jet Gauge and Jet Particle
This is just the begining
More to come hopefully... ( with more varity....having issues with sound it may take me a while.... )
Another note: to install.... put the images into the resource folder and your ready to go
Also, if you would like to see some type of a theme.....please do tell me and i will highly consider it
Thanks for Everything,
Heres a screenshot:

Download at the OFFICIAL Site -->
A big thanks to PSPDemon for making what is a killer watermark for any DCEmu Coders who wish their screenshots to be watermarked.