Posted By: wraggster

NJ has released a new Version of his NeoGeo Emulator for the PSP, heres the translated news from his page:
* RC 2 modification point
* Being next, it becomes ver.0.1.
It was the schedule which adds various performance, but functional addition above this seems that is unreasonable in connection with memory capacity. In the future perhaps becomes only bug correction.
rominfo.dat was renewed. Please be sure to superscribe the new file.
ROM the converter was renewed.
[rasutaehuekuto] corresponding edition was usually integrated to edition.
The item " of Raster Effect " is added most on Game configuration.
By the fact that it makes Enable luster effect becomes effective.
Furthermore, this setting is retained individually in every game unlike the setting of other things.
It corresponded to the game below.
Metal Slug 5 (JAMMA PCB) SVC Chaos - SNK vs CAPCOM (JAMMA PCB/set 2) Jockey Grand Prix V-Liner (set 1) V-Liner (set 2)
Those which presently do not operate in correspondence schedule become with two below.
With the following version somehow it is we would like to correspond.
The King of Fighters 2003 (Japan/JAMMA PCB) freezing immediately after the starting. Cause obscurity.
Because The Irritating Maze analog input process is not drawn up, operational failure.
Yet again translation via google is rubbish but a new release is always worth a try.
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