February 7th, 2006, 12:05 Posted By: miemt11
NJ once again has released a new update of his NEOGEO CDZ Emulator for PSP which youll be curious to know is based on Chuis Neo4all NeoGeo CD emulator for Dreamcast.

Heres the translation
Being to receive the mail, it does, but way there are some which considerably become heavier than version before depending upon the game, the shank.
Because other than of fist 2 of the dragon tiger is not modified especially big, you just looked at the source suddenly not being understood. Being disgusted ゃ formal edition for a while tip kana.... When it returns, it tries checking.
Modification point (Release Candidate):
Being to make formal edition and to apply, it does, but bug around sound agreement being not to go, there is no excuse, but
Please wait already for a while.
User modification of interface and completed. (As for some modification whether it is)
Adjustment around interrupting timer and MC68000 completed.
Dragon the fist of the tiger 2 (Art of Fighting 2) it reached the point where speed modification is reflected normally. Because method of the special interruption is used, only this game has done the processing of exclusive use.
When as for influence you think in the other game that it does not come out, but it seems that problem occurs please communicate.
Luster although it tried mounting, because it is not play possible speed, it abolished effect. Because 000-lo.lo which is use schedule you did not use after all, under present conditions it becomes unnecessary in starting.
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