Posted By: wraggster
Madcupid posted this release into the Neoflash Coding Contest:

Hi friends!!! This is my first application for the PSP and what it does is teach you how to speak portuguese!! I tried to come up with something different so i coded it!!!
As of right now it has the following features:
*10 lessons
*Words with sound for correct pronunciation
Lesson 1 - Personal Pronouns
Lesson 2 - Possessive Pronouns
Lesson 3 - Colors
Lesson 4 - Animals
Lesson 5 - Family
Lesson 6 - Common Places
Lesson 7 - Fruits
Lesson 8 - Kitchen Appliances and Objects
Lesson 9 - Living Room Electronics and Objects
Lesson 10 - Transportation Vehicles
This application was designed to help you actually learn the basics of another language, Portuguese in this case!! Thanks alot.
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