Posted By: wraggster
Well just got an email that further confirms the new PSP Modchip, my pals at Mr Modchips sent me an email containing this about the new modchip:
Undiluted Platinum - World's First PSP Modchip
- Ultra reliable and feature rich Actel ProASIC Plus FPGA
- Full Speed USB 1.1 ASIC onboard
- Branded 32MB NAND flash onboard (same flash as used in PSP)
- Stable and reliable flashing software freely available for download
- Installation verification using flashing software
- Ultra compact four layer PCB
- High quality Japanese connectors
- USB cable included
- FPC cable included, reducing installation effort and improving shock resistance
- Copper enamel wire included
- Open platform development system for software developers
- Installation has been optimized to fit entirely inside PSP
- All PSP hardware versions/regions supported
- User up-datable flash
- Low power consumption
- Flash select via button press
- Ultra compact PCB has been designed to avoid signal bounce
Yes We WILL be stocking this item as soon as it is available Watch This Space !!!!!!!!!!!!
So more confirmation of the impending release of the modchip from one of the UKs best sellers of Modchips and PSP News