July 17th, 2006, 13:34 Posted By: shadowprophet
Okay first things first, These have been tested and DO work, I tested them personally. But you must know, That before you may flash a custom firmware tweak you have to unflash any previous custom firmware tweaks With slashers unflasher before you continue!! Its important that you always remember this, Flashing custom firmware on top of already flashed custom firmware does not work And may cause a brick,,SO make absolutely certain to remove any custom firmware tweaks with slashers unflasher before you use these!!
Okay first up is the file cfp0.1.rar This is a nice one here. This is a custom firmware tweak from a coder known as harleyg, This has Much deeper recovery mode options compared to the original POC recovery mode, Including the recovery of certain prx files and the ability to customize your clock speed.Not only do you gain more advanced recovery mode features by hold the r key on psp boot up. But this round you gain the ability to hold the l key to auto load devhook on psp startup as well (provided your devhook folders are named devhook and devhook% prospectively) Remember this firmware tweak comes with a config file that needs edited to your preference in the psp/system folder just like dark alex's
Seconded is the file Recovery.elf.rar This is also from harleyg, What this is, Is just the recovery mode features from the cfpo.1.rar file in case some people didn't want to use harleyg's app, you can add this patch to dark alex's POC custom firmware flasher a gain harleyg's advanced recovery mode options that way 
And last but not least Is the custom firmware recovery.elf tester By none other then Jasonuk,
This allows you to test a recovery.elf from the root of your memstick to see if its safe before you take the dive into flashing.
Again I can not stress enough Even if you know what your doing, You can brick your psp by trying these, These are firmware tweaks!! Know that you run the risk of bricking your psp By trying these!
Download and try these at your own RISK,
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