Posted By: wraggster
Nice new Mod Player from WBB:

Heres the release details:
I've created a small mod player.
Modo - ultra simple mod player
========================= =====
powered by libmikmod
Plays 669, IT, MED, MOD, MTM, S3M, STM and XM module format.
The player has two modes:
1. Browsing folders
Select a folder and the player loops through all modules found in the selected
directory. You can not select individual files here, only directories are shown.
Keymapping in this mode:
D-Pad left - Navigate through directories
D-Pad right - Navigate through directories
Cross - Navigate through directories
Square - Play all modules in marked directory
Circle - Play all modules in current directory
Triangle - Exit player
If you press Square or Circle and nothing happens, then the player could not find
any modules in the choosen directory. Otherwise the player starts playback.
2. Playback
Before the player loads the file, it shows for about two second the mod title,
press now L or R to switch to next mod file. This way you can browse faster.
If you do nothing, the player starts loading & playing.
Keymapping in this mode:
L - Load and play previous module in directory
R - Load and play next module in directory
D-Pad left - Seek backward
D-Pad right - Seek forward
Cross - Cycle through instruments / samples and comment section
Up / Down - Scroll messages
Triangle - Add five minutes to sleep timer
Circle - Abort sleep timer
Square - Switch through speed / power saving
Start - Abort playback and go back to directory browser
Select - Abort playback and go back to directory browser
If a mod file supports instruments / samples / comment section and the author put
messages in more than one section, then you can press the cross button to cycle
through. In the right bottom corner you can see what section is currently displayed:
- "INS" - Instruments
- "SMPL" - Samples
- "CMT" - Comment
INS, SMPL, CMT are only displayed if you can use the cross button. If none is displayed
you already view the only available section.
The player shows little arrows in the right bottom corner if there are more messages
in a section than the PSP can display. Use the up / down button to scroll in that
If the sleep timer reaches zero, the PSP will go in suspend mode.
The player knows three speed settings (power saving):
1 - Normal (CPU ~ 166 MHz), everything is rendered
This should be enough reserve for even the biggest module files out there.
2 - Reduced (CPU ~ 80 MHz), songname and position is rendered
This should be enough for almost every module file, but there are a
files which will not play to well.
3 - Extreme (CPU ~ 25 MHz), nothing rendered on screen
Still enough for most module files, but it is not for sure that the module
play well. You have to test.
My PSP played for 8h nonstop in this mode (Screen off, 50% speaker volume),
battery was full when started, after 8h it was a 56%.
Known limits:
* You can not select / play indiviual files directly. You have to go through all
files in the directory during playback.
* If you have a mod file which does not play well in 166Mhz mode, please contact me.
Enjoy some great mod files!
[[Update - 29 July]]
I have updated the player, the following has changed:
* Directory browser improved. Shows how many modules are in a directory and the button description is much better.
* If a mod author put messages in instruments / samples / comment section you can cycle through via cross button.
* You can now scroll these messages if they don't fit on the PSP display, use up and down button.
* Before the module starts playing there is short delay now, so you can cycle to previous / next song without actually loading the current module. Use L and R button here. This allows faster file browsing.
* One mod file is included (jingle bells) to get you started.
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