Posted By: wraggster
Sg57 has posted an entry into the Neoflash Compo:

Here is a Windows Minesweeper clone featuring complete random minefields and includes the same difficulties as the one found on Windows, it also sports the same UI and colors and they work great on the PSP.
Features custom minefield size and mines as well as the original difficulty settings.
Analog Stick - Move your cursor around at high speeds, useful for getting across the screen in a hurry
D-Pad - Move your cursor slowly to move from one spot to an adjacent one easier then with the analog stick
X - Click spot
[] - Place flag (signify a mine is there)
O - Move the grid down 1 spot (if you make a custom grid that is too big for the PSPs screen do this)
TRIANGLE - Move the grid up 1 spot (if you make a custom grid that is too big for the PSPs screen use this)
L trigger - Move the grid left 1 spot (same as above)
R trigger - Move the grid right 1 spot (same as above)
START - Reset the minefield and pick your difficulty or your own custom minefield
Home - exit
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