Posted By: wraggster
Mauro Frischherz has recently (actually nearly 6 weeks ago but no site not even me spotted the release on his site) released the first binary of his Low Level PSP Emulator for WIndows:
Inside are the windows binary and gfx folder containing Play/Pause/Stop gfx . After seeing theese you surely think I suck at Photoshop and I can't argue with that. Of course if you can do better DO SO please

. (someone already took the job, thx smokescreen)
Scrolling bars for disassembly window and memory will come soon (*bump*Stefan Zurfluh*bump*) and of course the rest of the toolbar-buttons as well...
If you want to redo the buttons they ought to be 50x50 pixels and 24bit bitmaps.
Aaand yeah , only thing it does till now is unpack PBP's into the file's location.
Don't forget to have a look at the included source.
In truth theres not much to see at this time but fans of PSP Emulation may want to take a looksy.
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