Shendo has released a new version of his great memory card manager software suite for the Sony Playstation One. Using this utility you can perform various functions with your memory card images including copying, editing and saving. It supports a wide variety of formats including ones found in popular PC emulators. It requires .NET framework v3.0 to be installed.
Changes in 0.4:
* Added comments support for dexdrive memory cards.
* Added toolstrip informations.
* Added support for simultaneous editing of 2 memory cards.
* Added support for dragging-and-dropping of memory card files.
* Saves can now be copied to the temp buffer and pasted to the selected card and slot.
* Double click on the selected item now shows a save information.
* Product code, Identifier and Region now shown in the list instead on the toolbar.
* Editing operations are now save based instead of the slot based like in older versions.
* Dropped support for .vmp cards until proper header reconstruction is possible.