Posted By: wraggster
Before i go sleep i like to see whats coming soon for consoles and lo and behold Play Asia are now taking preorders on the Max Power Tool

Special TOOL version of our PSP battery works in exactly the same way as a standard SONY PSP battery but has the ability to put your PSP into service mode for custom firmware use.
TOOL functionality is hard-coded into the battery.
Same 1800mAh Lithium Polymer cell as our standard battery.
Its retailing at $25(£12) but heres the curious thing, theres no mention of it coming with a Mem Card which you need for the Pandora Downgrader/Unbricker. Now this comes from Datel and its likely its using the Pandora Code or maybe was sold to them pre pandora.
What i will say is that for PSP Owners who dont already have a Homebrew PSP or easily get hold of one this is a way in to Homebrew or unbricking.