November 4th, 2007, 22:51 Posted By: compsci3000
Map This! 0.5.0ZZ (Nov 4, 2007)
Only tested it on PSP290 and PSP SLIM (M33 3.71-2).
Download (with source code):
Since I spent quite some time spliting up files and changing structures to
make the whole source code more maintainable, I hope people can benefit from
my work and further improve the program. Any comments and suggestions are
- top panel: add signal bar, battery info including percentage and remaining
time. Longtitute and latitude will always remain regardless of GPS
being on or off.
- GPS side panel: add max speed info, and estimate time and arrival time
info for trip.
- O button is genrally used as cancel button, the same as SELECT. When
in POI list, TRIANGLE is used to access search menu.
- RTRIGGER is used to combine with other button to performance short cuts
or extra functions.
- RTRIGGER + DPAD: 3 time scroll speed for maps
- RTRIGGER + UP: POI look up
- RTRIGGER + DOWN: Address look up
- RTRIGGER + LEFT: GPS record when gps is on
- RTRIGGER + RIGHT: satellite info
- RIGHT button is assigned to change track up mode in reverse order
- LTRIGGER is used to access _MY_POIS, and you can find your favorite address
in the map much faster. Originally it is assigned to rotate map in anti-
clockwise order, now you can do that by using LTRIGGER + RTRIGGER.
- SQUARE can turn GPS statuc on and off.
- start up map must be chosen, either from config, or choose when the program is
started. Fixed a bug when selection is cancelled, the program exits.
- beep can be disabled or enabled in config.txt.
- changed some time delay code, so access to menus is faster.
- remember your previous menu selection
- config file changes:
- in edit mode, every line is changeable
- remove the trailing strange characters for startupmap
- most lists can be accessed in a wrap-around fashion.
- code cleanup (I really hate to see a 5000+ line c file)
- move most of code in main.c/h to other files according to their logical
structures: Display, Menu, GPS, Basic, PSPIO
- clean up global variables
- change a few inefficient implementation.
- other minor changes: see comments by ZZ.
- only test on PSP-290, code for generic GPS might be broken
- internationalization might be broken for GPS panel display
- might have some bugs.
- make POI file editable and deletable inside the program
- Group global parameters to structures
- wifi map upload not working at all (never works)
- alert when no map is present
- occasional freezing when map is zoomed in or out (related to 0.5.0)
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