Posted By: wraggster
Gambiting has updated his Mandelbrot Fractal Generator fore the PSP:

This is my attempt to make a fast mandelbrot fractal rendering program with zoom feature.It's using fastest bruteforce rendering method,so unless someone use asembler programming or Xaos algorithm it's the fastest rendering possible for psp.This actual version has three fractal sizes: Fullscreen(480x272),medium(250x200),small(120x100) .Bigger fractal means longer rendering time.Also,you can set number of orbit checks per loop - more checks means more details and longer rendering time.Default is 100 and with this setting you can reach 60-70x zoom,with ~30sec rendering time.With 300 checks per loop you can reach as far as 500x zoom,but rendering of single zoom can take even up to 5 minutes.And yes,the zoom here is finite.With very good pc software you can reach even 10000x magnification,but this would require setting a 2000checks per loop,and then one frame would render ~2h,so I limited possible number of checks to 300. This application isn't really practical in any way,but it's really fun to watch zooming of the fractal,and seeing as it replicates itself.Also,you can impress your math teacher that your psp can do that
-Added 6 new colors
-Added Fullscreen 4:3 resolution(363x272)
-now you can go back to menu without quiting the game
-Added colored background feature(only for red,green,yellow,blue colors)
-You can take screenshots and save coordinates now.It works like that:
You press select,then screenshot is saved in /psp/photo/.Screenshot names are incrementing,so these will be screenshot0.png screenshot1.png ect.Coordinates are saved in /psp/game/mandelbrot/coordinates/ with name connected with screenshot,so if name of your screen shot was screenshot21.png,then coordinates will be saved as screenshot21_coordinates.txt.In this file there will be saved every point you clicked,so if you zoomed for example 4 times,then in this file will be:
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