<blockquote>I thought I'd take 2 minutes from my lunchbreak to let you know what the progress is.
Last night I started recoding the internal engine of mame-psp along with the memory handling. Sadly this broke everything so I propose the following.
I'm going to make a release based on the 30 or so games that work "satisfactory" and then continue my work on the psp specific parts of the port. TMK has done a great job with MAME and I can only hope to improve things.
The 68000 core now compiles and runs correctly, and I successfully ran a neogeo title "League Bowling". Sadly it was less than 40% of the full speed, but it was playable. Maybe once the graphics/memory rewrite has taken place this could improve to 70 or 80% which would then become more realistic for a release title.
Watch this space. MAME-PSP with 30 near perfect games coming soon!</blockquote>