Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Madmax11:
Big update this time! Instead of a pub on planet, there is a 'Missions' option. On each planet there are 5 random missions that earn you credits which you can use to buy different ships and upgrades. Here's a quote of the changes from the readme:
- [RELEASE] Alpha2
- Code optimization for planet
- Made planet images bigger
- Added "Mylon" system & planet
7/8/08 - Added system "Nyx"
- Changed planet menus for anticipation of missions
7/9/08 - Distributed upgrades
- Added portal to map as a red dot
- Added credits
7/10/08 - Started implementing missions
7/14/08 - Finished implementing missions (Can't do more than one at once.. for now. You make commissions off of completed missions.)
- Added L+R to exit from main menu
- Added mission info to pause screen
- Put prices on upgrades
- Code is more tidy for planet
- Reorganized ships, by size & price & looks, distributed throughout systems
- Added 1 ship
- [RELEASE] Alpha3

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