January 29th, 2007, 17:36 Posted By: Tinnus
This is the PSP version of the NES module in the Little John emulator collection (formerly known as LJP or LJZ for PalmOS). It's currently undergoing a complete re-work and that includes a PSP port 
Yes, eventually the full Little John suite will be available for the PSP too in its new and shiny version 
But, for now, I bring to you only the NES module--not that it means little though.
- Full speed (@333Mhz and v-sync ON)
- Full screen
- Full sound at 44 KHz
- Full controls (D-Pad, X = A, O = B)
- Biggest mapper and overall compatibility ever (I'm yet to find a game that doesn't work)
Does NOT feature:
- Any type of configuration. Remember, this is a POC, not a full-fledged emulator with bells and whistles. The final version will have all the bells you want.
- Place the % and non % directories in /PSP/GAME if you're in 1.5 or /PSP/GAME150 if you're in 2.71SE or 3.0X OE.
- Place a NES rom file in the non % directory and call it myrom.nes.
- Launch it and play 
Remember this is basically only to show off the potential of both the new LJ framework and the NES module itself... but it's still fun to play anyway 
Technical addendum: The PSP port, with all it has, was done in less than a day (while doing other stuff). I suppose once I get the other modules working, they could be ported as easily as this one.
GPL addendum: I do know the NES module in LJP is GPL'ed but I have a reason not to put the source up for download... besides being lazy, the framework code is still being heavily worked on. Although if someone politely asks for it, I won't refuse. But I repeat myself--it's pointless for now since it's completely WIP at the moment. If you just want the code for the NES emulator, get the sourcecode from LJP at http://www.little-john.net . Thanks for your cooperation 
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