Posted By: Kaiser
Zion's new project is coming along well it seems. After warm reception of his last Zelda fan game (Linkens Quest) Zion is happy to present the world his first trailer of his next game. Try to think of it as the spirtual succesor to Linkens Quest. 
Here's what Zion said over at his dev forums here on dcemu.
Note - This game isnt anywhere near finished, and everything contained in it could change in future versions, what is done though is done well , and while it may not be a lot, it shows the promise this game has....
Dont expect to be playing this for hours either i would imagine you would be bored after five minutes.
Consider this a tech demo, sort of like the game concept. Still i hope you will be suprised tho
Credit to PSPDemon for the great vid.
Edit: It appears many users are having trouble viewing the video. If your one of those users you can simply download the video here.