PSPDemon has uploaded a Video to Youtube of him accessing the Test ( debug ) Areas of Zelda Ocarina of Time on the PSP (via N64 Emulator Daedalus)
This is the Debug Rom of OoT, I mainly wanted to see if it could run at all, and what would the framerate be. And to my suprise... it ran pretty well on the debug rooms... i tried sound with it....and i was shocked... a framerate between 15-24 fps with sound... and the sound wasnt even half that bad!
Not only that, room 125 ( which PJ64 crashes on ) is accessible on daedalus! truely amazing in my opinion
ill be lloking in a few other games later on.... but for now, more looking into the OoT debuging.
PSPdemon notes you have to be on custom firmware. so dont ask how to get it on a 3.52