September 17th, 2006, 22:09 Posted By: Zion
Finally Linken's Quest v2.0 is here & I think your going to like the changes 
here is the Changelog
New Chat/Conversation window,
Cutscenes/story is in,
Attacking Animation,
Enemies With Ai,
Ability to kill a enemy and be Killed by a enemy yourself,
Ability to Purchase things from the shop,
Dungeon level added,
Fully Functional Menu,
More Sound Effects,
Townspeople with Ai
& Object Collision
Pretty big changes there 
I hope you all enjoy the game 
Everyone involved or who helped or gave advice on this project are mentioned/credited in the credits screen 
All the gfx, music & sounds contained in this game is pd (public domain/made by fans)
Download from the Dream Coding compo here : http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=36088
Screenshots :

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