It is rare for me to be that impressed by a “first” release. Drakon has been talking about his entry LameCraft on our forums for a little while now, and let me tell you, I was ready to classify this one as “vaporware”, or “fake”. Let’s be honest, it looked too good to be true. Well, that was before I could actually give it a try, and see it was real. If you know the PC game Minecraft, you will feel at ease with this genesis entry which reuses the same concept: allowing grownups to play with blocks like little kids. LameCraft is for now just a sandbox that allows you to build a 3D world to your liking. But Drakon has been restlessly updating this entry regularly for the past months, and each update is simply impressive. Still need to be convinced? 10 days after the first release, there’s already a massive community around this homebrew, and the release thread in our forums is already 23 pages long as I type this. This will quickly become a must-have in your homebrew library.