PlayStation Vita owners with a Plus subscription can get their skates on and download the excellent Jet Set Radio this week for free.New additions to the EU PlayStation Store today include Retro City Rampage, out for PlayStation 3 and Vita priced £8.99.Eurogamer's Chris Donlan served up an 8/10 for Retro City Rampage back in October. It's an 8-bit love letter to popular culture over the past three decades, structured around a well-made GTA de-make.The latest Borderlands 2 DLC, Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt is available, priced £6.49, or comes free for Season Pass holders. It also received 8/10 from Chris Donlan.DmC Devil May Cry, this week's big retail release, is available for download too, priced £49.99. Eurogamer gave it - you guessed it - 8/10, although we got someone else to reviewthis one.