I. Introduction
This is the demo version of the BLUEKVM, a J2ME Kilobyte Virtual Machine
Java Runtime Environment for the PSP platform.
This software is provided "AS IS", without warranty of any kind.
Use at your own risk.
Sun Microsystems Inc. for creating Java
http://ps2dev.org) for the PSPSDK
NesterJ (
http://rukapsp.hp.infoseek.co.jp) for the temporary
class file loader interface.
The rest of the PSP hackers and developers
This software has been successfully run in a PSP with firmware
version 1.5.
1. Unzip the file bluekvm-psp-demo-version.zip.
2. Go to bluekvm subfolder and copy the BLUEKVM and BLUEKVM%
folders to the <MSROOT>/PSP/GAMES folder of the memory stick.
3. Load the application from the PSP menu.
(Game -> Memory Stick -> BLUEKVM)
4. Go to the CLASSES folder and select the class to run.
III. Building sample Java applications
To build your own sample Java applications, make sure you have
a J2SDK1.4.2 installed. (There were some problems encountered using
the J2SDK1.5 version)
Summary of procedures:
a. Compile the Java sources using the supplied cldc.zip as the
bootclasspath library.
b. Preverify the Java classes using the supplied preverifier.
c. Copy the preverified Java class files to the CLASSES folder of
See the Makefile in the supplied "sample_apps" folder for more