Posted By: wraggster
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In the 2005 Sony bet for the first time by the portable videojuegos with its PSP (the play left to him thus thus). Now it returns to the hall with controversy PS3, and according to diverse rumors, the next step will be in the moving bodies, and that more and more seems logical, because this increasing sector is improving of very fast form, being attractive for all. Perhaps the first attempt in this line already made Nokia with its N-Gage (a great idea that was possibly born too much soon and did not know to solve with success) but now is a little while more propitious, and in fact, they return to sound rumors of a new device of game from Finland. According to our Insider' s Report, he is almost safe that the next moving bodies of average and high range of Sony-Ericsson will change their system of menus by one tracing to the one of the PSP (so and as has made already the PS3), with a horizontal line… with the basic options and emergent icons in vertical for the submenus, in a clear wink towards the world of the videojuegos. The titles will come something later. Therefore, the moving bodies that are Walkman (by music) and CyberShot (by the camera) will be shortly a little more PlayStation Is Sony finding the way again or it is more still being lost?
Would you like to see a PSP Phone like the photo above?