Use this program to use your PDA for text input on the PSP.
Install the .prc file on your PDA and the .pbp file on your PSP. Run both programs and line up the IR ports. The PDA can only send 1 character at a time right now, so type/write one character into the screen and wait for it to send. Its kinda slow, but it will be improved in future versions.
I'll be more than happy to release the source to developers if anyone is interested, but this may end up being more of a proof of concept type application. If developers care, I'll try and bundle the PSP end into a libary so that it can be eaisly implemented in other programs. It also seems like it would be possible to use a PDA for mouse input for the PSP, but that's beyond my knowledge of the PSP and PDA at this point.
Ive only been able to try this on my Zire 21 Palm. Please test this program on other PDA's and let me know if it works.