October 18th, 2008, 23:26 Posted By: wraggster
Mr Modchips have today put online the new version of Infectus the Modchip for Wii, PS3 and Xbox360: You also have to be logged in to see and buy this product:

InFeCtuS 2 is the latest development of the versatile InFeCtuS modchip created to work with many different consoles.
InFeCtuS developed this modchip with an OPEN concept, they used a core reprogrammable board, a 512kb flash on board and an USB interface for the PC communication.
The hardware has a very high quality component design:
The core of InFeCtuS 2 is the new ACTEL ProASIC3 FAMILY, the new family after the famous APA075 used in the past in many PS2 projects.
We used a 512Kb parallel flash SSTSF040, with a high transfer rate and performance.
Finally, we have got a REAL USB2.0 processor. This high quality component can manage the communication between ACTEL and PC (mini usb connector).
All of the chip PLD/FLASH/USB parts are 100% reprogrammable via USB communication.
For security reasons, all of the applications stored in the flash are AES 128-bit encrypted, to protect our work against chinese market!
The project is produced in Europe with the last technology of BSDL testing.
The new InFeCtuS 2 modchip
Being InFeCtuS 2 so versatile, we want to show you at least a little part of its features, ordered by console.
Allows to gain total access over the XBOX360 flash driver, so that you can read and write the internal flash of any X360 DVD READER in the market.
Everything can be managed with a very simple and user friendly PC software.
FLASH ID realtime patching, your xbox360 cannot understand if there is any flash running other than the original one.
GLOBE MODCHIP 360 100% emulation including ON / OFF LED
The first work to be done is to allow our users to flash directly the PS3 BIOS by USB. So no more problem with firmwares, you can install everything you want, when you want. All the complications due to firmware versions that cannot be downgraded will not bother you anymore.
Another new feature that we want to add is a REAL TIME patching of the firmware part that you want to be emulated from the chip. Being the 512Kb flash not enough to store a real dual firmware, we'll have to wait for the first hacked firmware to understand if a "realtime" patching will be possible. In case we won't be able to find more ideas, a new version of InFeCtuS 2 with a memory expantion bay will be released
Complete O2 MODCHIP emulation 100% with all functionalities (www.o2mod.com) - Included for FREE
WII D2C 13 wire modchip, implemented on InFeCtuS 2 the ARGON firmware
The possibility to manage the features using an easy software is one of the BIG advantages of this modchip solution!
WIZARD help for the users: you will simply follow software's instruction step by step, everyone would be able to install and manage the InFeCtuS 2 MOD.
When you will be ready to install InFeCtuS 2 on a DVD DRIVE 078 XBOX360 FIRMWARE, the software will assist you with a 100% automated extraction of the key and the patch of new firmware.
WIZARD configuration based on XML for an automatical update of last firmwares.
X360 FIRMWARE checksum, the software will tell you if you are actually using the correct firmware (this feature is only available in WIZARD procedure)
HELP section to allow an easy searching of X360 firmwares
Comes with:
InFeCtuS 2 2.0 modchip
JTAG cable (for between modchip and programmer)
For more information and downloads, click here!
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