Gefa has posted an entry into the Neoflash Summer 2009 coding comp:
Nickname: Gefa
Project name : ImpGAME
From : Italia (Italy)
Division : PSP GAME
Original entry : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
This is a hangman game for PSP.
ImpGAME supports 5 languages (italiano, english, fracais, espanol, german), with around 3500 words for each language.
You can also write a personalized list of word. Read the readme file for more info about that.
Game modes:
Default Game: ImpGAME will choose a random word from the default dictionary (it contains about 3500 words for each language, for a total of 3500*5=17500 words)
Choose Dictionary: Choose a list of words that you've written and play with it. By default, I inserted two dictionaries in english language (words about animals and national capitals)
Language: Choose the language you want to play the Default Game.
Exit: Exit from the game
Copy the "python" and "PSP" directories in the root of your memory stick.