October 20th, 2007, 16:49 Posted By: wraggster
Cronos and Yongobongo have released a new portal for the PSP, heres the details:

Beauty and power co-exist.
iFind 4.0 is here today. Re-mastered on the outside - iFind's elegant and detailed yet simple interface sets it apart from everything else. Revamped on the inside - Even though you won't be able to see it, iFind's core has been recoded to achieve maximum performance. Open up a whole new world with the array of features and links iFind presents you. Join the social with the new look Chatrooms and built in babblr.* iFind also has a clever password protection which allows you to protect your private files such as photos away from others’ eyes’. Going to your favourite sites and checking your mail has never been easier because iFind contains hundreds of sorted links allowing you to get where you want fast. The LiNK Browser, only available on iFind, gets you everywhere, surf the net, listen to music, do whatever you like while allowing you to your stuff in three tabs, meaning it can theoretically expand the three tabs in your PlayStation Portable browser to an incredible nine tabs.
It’s gorgeous.
iFind’s been acclaimed for it’s exceptional beauty in it’s graphics and design. Luminos is no different; while everyone is still catching up in this department, iFind once again sets new levels of standards with portal aesthetics and designs. Style up with iFind as changing to your favourite wallpaper is a breeze with the new Wallpaper Changer in iFind. It’s beauty that’s unparalleled.
Keep your personal media secure.
iFind can protect your private files from strangers' access. Keep all your private images and or .txt files in a folder known only to you and leave it to iFind to protect for you! Passwords can easily be configured on a computer with a text editor.
Find anything, fast.
Find your files or portals quickly and easily. Never ever will you need to type a long address to get to a file in your PSP. Finding and opening files will always be easy as iFind’s search feature is built straight into its main page.
Investigate, work, play and explore.
With handy text editors, paint applications, massive game library, and whatnot, do what ever you please with iFind’s built in applications and games allowing you to do much, much more on your PlayStation Portable.
Now playing.
Have a favourite tune you love to listen to? You can now play it inside iFind’s own mini Jukebox accessible via the LiNK Browser so you can surf the internet while listening to your tunes!
Make a connection.
LiNK brings you the both the convenience of browsing the internet and giving you the choice of quickly navigating back to iFind instantaneously, not only that LiNK now features a tabbed browsing, theoretically allowing you to view a total of nine web pages simultaneously, a break through on the PSP. It truly is the best browser in a browser.
Your guide, to the internet.
iFind comes with iPLP, providing you a rich experience of the internet. It has hundreds of categorized specially formatted sites just for use on the PlayStation Portable. Who ever said browsing the internet on the PlayStation Portable wasn’t fun?
Develop for iFind.
XDE (Cross Developer Expansion) allows users to easily create their own applications or games to be installed on iFind easily without any alteration of the code on iFind. Why not create something special for iFind and share it with all the iFind users around the world?
Nice to meet you; join the live Chat Rooms exclusive to iFind users and meet up with your buddies or just have fun and meet new people all around the world! Want to use AIM, MSN or YIM? iFind has babblr integration allowing you to chat with people who are on their computers.*
Stay on track.
iFind is also completely expandable through it’s online web extension, the LiNK Centre.* The LiNK Centre provides news updates on iFind, global news updates via Digg, and many other neat services!*
See for your self.
With tens of thousands of users around the world, and being beautifully designed by Cronos you just have to see for yourself how good iFind just really is. Make the switch today and get iFind. *Will require WiFi internet access
Here's a run down of it's current core features:
- Passkey Protection (Improved password protection)
- LiNK Browser (Allows 3 tabs in inside iFind)
- Fully customizable GUI
- Media Browser
- Media Player
- XDE support
- Jukebox
- Games (18 in total, expandable through updates/XDE)
- Applications (11 in total, ditto above) - Iorkara's PSP Links Page
- babblr 2.0 (AIM, WLPM and YIM Messenger support)
- Wallpaper Changer
- LiNK Center
- Chatrooms
New/Improved features:
- Totally revamped GUI
- LiNK Browser (fixed bugs and cleaned up coding)
- Online game database access
- LiNK Station
- Mobile Mail Centre
- Jukebox
- Better XDE integration
- Cleaned up coding for faster loading
- About page with Help
- babblr 2.0 integration
- New customization features (much more easier to customize)
Will this harm my PSP in anyway?
No this is a PSP portal, it's just linked up pages with fancy stuff to make your PSP Browser experience better.
Why is the file I've download a .RAR/.ZIP?
You will need to extract the contents inside the file using WinRAR, WinZIP or using the Windows extractor. Once downloaded and installed just right click the file and choose extract.
Some games or applications won't load.
You must have firmware version 2.7+ and you will need to enable flash on your PSP in the settings (you will need a WiFi connection) or enable via the homebrew method which you can download on the downloads page.
iFind simply won't load.
Follow these simple steps:
1. Make sure you have unzipped and placed the iFind folder in the right place. In PSP/COMMON/. (When unzipping, DO NOT unzip the contents into another folder)
2. Check if JavaScript is enabled, if not enable it.
3. Maximize your cache setting to 2048kbs
4. Make sure you are typing file:/PSP/COMMON/iFind/entry.html into the address bar of the PSP.
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