All information should be free. So here another part of the Custom Firmware research.
My previous post already explained some changes they enable. One nice one I didn't mention yet is, that it activates the Debug Options.
The options are enabled now, just the icon is missing. But there is a different way you can handle them. As we already knew, the xregistry.sys (dev_flash2/etc) stores all actual settings.
With the changes mentioned in last post, if you tried those; you may have noticed a debug message in the upper right corner. This actually proves the debug options are unlocked to use.
Just extract the xregistry.sys now and find the debug options. Activate them with a 1 instead a 0. I didn't test all so far, but seems most is fine.
Needa give credits to iQD, KrisAbsinthe, Stoker25 and Comgenie.