July 7th, 2008, 17:12 Posted By: Darksaviour69
Quoted from a post the GameFAQs PSP Message Board
It does you guys no good to have no warning, so I'll tell you.
GameFAQs is about to update its TOS. The new document will be roughly the same as GameSpot's current TOS. The largest and most noticeable change is the inclusion of homebrew under the Illegal Activities rule. That's why all the stickies have gone - even CJayC's, because it is no longer correct.
When the new TOS hits the site, all of the topics on this board (and the DS and Wii boards, as they each have a good homebrew community) that talk about homebrew will be deleted or closed. If they're deleted, you'll probably get an NKL, and contesting it will do no good.
If you want to complain about this change, here is not the place to do it (as it's considered Off-Topic). In fact, complaining about it at all isn't going to help, as this ruling is never going to be rescinded.
If you need information concerning homebrew, there are plenty of other sites out there that can help you. Because linking to those sites will be a violation of the new TOS, I can't link to them for you, but Google is always your friend
It seems again homebrew and piracy have been painted with the same brush by a "Big" site.
Moved to Network News as this implicates all Homebrew Communities, isnt it time the Mainstream didnt put us Homebrewers with the pirates ???
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