Art who only a few days ago released his Heart Monitor for the PSP is back with a new release, heres the details:
Hi Guys, Here is a DIY Keypad project for homebrew developers. This is another first as far as I am aware
Note I said 'keypad' because it's a 12 key numeric type with a shift key to provide a total of 24 possible functions. I did it this way because I wrote the firmware driver to support it years ago, and it only required slight modification for use with the PSP's serial port.
Also, the keypad is neat, and I can't imagine any alphanumeric arrangement being as neat if it was knocked up at home.
I could recompile the firmware file for a 16F628 to use internal clock at a later stage. This would make the circuit a little simpler since the crystal and two caps would then be redundant.
I may or may not update this project depending on takeup/feedback. At the moment I personaly don't have any use for it that warrants crap hanging off my PSP, but with all the talk... well here it is....