The open beta for Sony's virtual world PlayStation Home is scheduled to launch in "the coming weeks", assuming everything goes to plan.
That's according to the project's community manager - or TedTheDog as he's known on the official PS forum - who has given PS3 owners a "rough overview" of the coming weeks.
SCEE will be inviting a large number of extra testers - who have already been chosen - into the closed beta before making it public, but there really, really shouldn't be too long to wait now unless there's some kind of major cock up.
"Finally," TedTheDog said, "Home open beta is the start of a long journey, not the end of one. I know I've said this a lot recently but I see many of you are thinking of Home open beta like a game release in that you're expecting the final version to be launched with just some patches and maybe some DLC to come afterwards.
"Home beta is a service that will grow from the foundation of v1.0 over the coming months and years so thinking of it as a start rather than a finish will help you understand where its going and what its all about. We all appreciate you've been waiting a long time to be a part of this journey and we hope you enjoy it once your onboard with us."
According to Sony's PlayStation Network director, even though it will be in beta, the Home trial will "be a fair representation of what the service can be and its potential".