Hey guys! I've entered Hexaxis into a new contest over at Intel. I was in the lead until Intel reset the votes and went into the 'Real' voting phase, so if you could help out a dude in need please click on the thumbs up picture here: Intel Game Demo Contest 2007
I'm been hard at work on Update #8. This time I'm going for more funtionality, a menu, and another level "Mercury 42". The level picking menu is very similar to the PC version and is fully functional at this point. I need to clean up some bugs before I release her though. I'd also like to get a high score table running, but I'm not sure if I'll pop this into update 8 or 9. I've also inverted the logo as it looks cooler on the PSP in mostly white.
Here are a couple sneak peak pics for your viewing pleasure:
You can now pick a level to start at 1 thru 4, and mid game while paused you can switch levels in the current game or start over at any level. I should have this update ready by the end of this coming weekend as long as I don't die on July 4th....