May 10th, 2012, 13:05 Posted By: wraggster
via http://mobiles.gx-mod.com/modules/ne...p?storyid=9798
Skip the PSP FAT CFW M33 3. + + Or 4. + + To the new CFW / HEN 6.xx, has always been a long galley! Often a passage to the CFW PRO 6. or ME + + 6. + + from the kit requires CFW old Pandora + Magic Memory stick, or passage through intermediate CFW, then v5.xx 4.xx M33, then use the final update 5.50 GEN D3. With the latter it is possible to switch to official firmware 5.50, beyond the way is open to the official firmware 6.60 then CFW of your choice! To avoid this blah blah blah, Hellcat PSP developer has long been known in the underground scene, through its work on the pandora battery, the custom IPL, but especially by his "Flashing software" Hellcat's Recovery Flasher . bah .... And, this guy is working on a new version 1.7 of its software flash. This will have primary new flash support for custom IPL PSP compatible (FAT 100X and 200X non slim 8C) , with 6.60 CFW "directly", whatever the original firmware and without needing a pandora battery! Thus it will be possible to switch instance directly from an old CFW M33 V3.71 to the latest CFW 6.60 B10 PRO- PRO of the team!
CFW PRO is not the only guest at the party! Hellcat assures us via his Twitter that several CFW 6.39 and 6.60 will be waiting for you!
So you can choose from the ME, the PRO and other opportunities in the future!
Of course this is a Work In Progress, we'll keep you posted the evolution of the new flash software for Hellcat from its public release in beta or final! Official site: https://twitter.com/ #! / therealhellcat /
For more information and downloads, click here!
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