July 8th, 2007, 17:12 Posted By: Xx FightStar xX
Please front page this 
Hello all 
After a lot of hard work, I bring to you my creation that is : Halo - Genocide.
This game is a 2d version of the Halo : Evolved game but is set as a prequel to it 
Its a 2d side scrolling shooter.
Features :
Weapon Pickup, Weapon Selection, Weapon Spawning, 3 Weapons (Pistol, Machine Gun & Sniper Rilfe, Individual Weapon Power & Ammo
Health Bar, Lives Bar & Ammo Counter - All fully functional
3 Different Types Of Enemys : Guant, Eite & Jackal, Up to 3 enemies on screen at a time, Good AI
Menu & Intro - Both fully functional & with selectable options
4 levels
Interesting Story that updates you prior to the game and after each level
Smooth Animation & Weapon Selection
Text Pop-Up upon being over a weapon (asking you to pick it up)
Impressive HUD (Heads Up Display) that keeps you updated with things
-----UPDATE ADDONS------
Ability to continue the game upon death, you now have 2 continues.
Ability to return to the games menu upon having no continues and being dead

There may be one or two minor bugs (I assure you this game is relatively bug free ) but none of them ruin or hinder the gameplay as a result.
Note - The Crosshair has to be on/almost on the enemy to result in a hit.
Crouching makes a round shield appear around you and makes you invulnerable to enemy fire
So enjoy the game & please leave your opinions on it, in this thread 
All of the games coding was done by me : Xx FightStar xX except the "Fade code" which I used , which was made by : SoulKiller
(Full credits are contained in the menu, please read before saying you were not mentioned!)
Download here (GamersGuild.co.nr) - http://www.gamerzguild.n-hosting.co....php?topic=20.0
Download here (Rapidshare.com) - http://rapidshare.com/files/41735793..._V1.1.zip.html
Download here (Sendspace.com) - http://www.sendspace.com/file/d635lj
Please Register at gamersguild. if you like/support the game or the site Thank you
Ps - If you like the game please visit the games official site - www.gamersguild.co.nr
For more information and downloads, click here!
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