Wololo via his blog has made available the latest stable revision of Half Byte Loader information about important changes to the one exploits that can launch homebrew PSP fw struts 5.50, 5.55, 5.70, 6.00, 6.10, 6.20.
The open source project will follow two parallel directions, try to maintain a stable and exploit the system will be maintained high compatibility with all present primcipali homebrew on PSP, the other called "P5" will involve a more experimental path in search new solutions, when it has reached satisfactory levels, the two projects will be gathered and follow the same path.
Meanwhile, users must use the review of Half 85 Bytes Loader that at present it is the most reliable.
Half Byte Loader revision 85:
- Vare code improvements from the revised 79
- Improved stability and speed of execution of the exploit
NB: We remind users that you must have installed the demo for Patapon 2 U.S. to launch the exploit.