v0.7 - (beta than ever)
# Fixed a dynarec bug involving flags generating functions in
contiguous conditional blocks. Fixes music in Super Mario
Advance 2-4.
# Fixed a dynarec bug where Thumb mov imm instructions wouldn't
set flags. Fixes Zelda: Minish Cap, Megaman Battle Network,
probably others. Comes at a slight speed cost.
# Fixed a MIPS dynarec bug where some delay slots might not
get filled rarely, causing chaos. Don't know if it improves
any games.
# Improved self-modifying code detection. Makes Golden Sun,
Golden Sun 2, and Madden 2007 sorta work but excrutiatingly
slowly. Looking for a game-specific workaround for this - if you
want to play these games you'll have to wait for now

# Fixed a bug causing the interrupt disable flag to go down
when SWIs are entered, causing crashes/resets. Fixes
Super Mario Advance 2-4.
# Fixed menu crashing when strings with certain characters are
printed (for instance going to the menu after loading the
# Accidentally forgot to render win0 + win1 + objwin when all
active at the same time, many weeks ago. Added that, should fix
some parts in games that had frozen screens.
# Fixed some issues with gpsp.cfg needing to be present and
corrupting, hopefully. At the very least sanity checks are
performed on the config file.
# Made it so assigning the frameskip button to something besides
triangle actually worked as expected.
# Fixed ability to restart current game if nothing is loaded
(ie, crash)
# Added interrupt on cpsr modification support to the dynarec
(fixes backgrounds in Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance)
# Added open addressing for ldm/stm instructions (fixes
Super Mario Advance 3)
# Improved cycle accuracy a little. Don't know of anything this
fixes, but games with idle loops will run a little better w/o
idle loop elimination (but should still be added when possible)
# Fixed some bugs causing sound to play sometimes when it shouldn't.
@ Added dead flag elimination for Thumb code. May possibly have
noticeable performance increases (Thumb emited coded size can
have a reduction of 20% or more)
@ Added code generation for divide SWI. May have a small speed
increase in some games.
+ Added analog nub support (special thanks to psp298 for the
+ Added fractional frameskip. Go below 0 to get them. A frameskip
of 1/2 for instance means render 2 out of every 3 frames, 2/3
means render 3 out of every 4 frames, etc. Possibly useful for
games that are not quite fast enough at fs0 but fullspeed at