Posted By: wraggster
via Gamebrink
So is it really worth the $69.95 to import this thing? To put it simply, only get it if you live in Japan or have a homebrew capable PSP. Even then the Map This! software isn’t nearly as user friendly or complete as Maplus so it’s probably a better option to just buy a phone or some other piece of hardware with a GPS and mapping software. Then again after looking up what other GPS devices the homebrew supports on eBay, it’s actually not worth it at all. You can get a Holux GPSlim236 for a whopping $9.99 when I searched so unless you live in Japan or really want a Sony themed GPS then skip this until it’s released in your region with the appropriate software.
Import Friendly?
Nope, there is no software for outside Japan.
Looks sleek
No software for outside Japan
Homebrew option costs $9.99