Posted By: Anger
It seems after the creation of this amazing program that someone leaked it.
So 0okm decided to let everyone have it without contacting him so now anyone willing to try it out can now do so. 
If you don't know HowTo use, DON'T use it !!!
It may brick your psp, Use it at your own Risk !!!
This Program Just For FW2.80 TA-079~086 PSP
Don't use it on other ver. PSP !!!
1. on FW1.50PSP
Download PSARDumper PSAR-Dumpa---ASB--.rar
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Download PSP FW2.71 Updates EBOOT.BPB 2_71_US_firmware_update.rar
Download PBP Unpacker pbp-unpacker-094-setup.exe
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use PBP Unpacker to unpacker FW2.71 EBOOT.BPB
copy FW2.71 DATA.PSAR to ms0:\
run PSARDumper on FW1.50PSP
then "Press circle to dump encrypted without sigcheck and decrypted reboot.bin."
to Dump "FW2.71 File"
2. on FW2.80PSP
Extract to ms0:\
check ms0:\F0 have 286 files and total size is 18,598,267 Bytes
PowerOff PSP to CleanReboot
Run xLoader on FW2.80PSP
then Run 2.71DDforTA-079~086FW2.80PSP
someone leaked and more than 200 email req. it
if you know HowTo use and can take the Risk
and Accept NOT share it to other people
you can Download it :P
Download and Give Feedback Via Comments / USE WITH CAUTION.