Posted By: wraggster
Zouzz messaged me about the release of French touch which is a compilation of 6 games for the PSP but more importantly it is a release that wants to support the sites who research for cures for Aids
Firstly heres the text from the site:
- Seb117
- Arobase
- Bibi595
- Maxime
- zouzzz
- Lua_user
- CosmoSis (designer)
- Aurélien (translator)
- Nems who left us...
Every member created a LUA game, those 7 games are now released in a pack.
Our goal is to collect gifts for medical research and sensibilize players to fighting against aids.
PSP websites banners have been obtained as proof of a gift to any reasearch against AIDS websites. These banneers will be included in the homebrews.
Several links to this website will be included in the homebrews and in the README file.
Several links to research against AIDS websites are presents in this website, please click on them to donate or get informations.
- XavboxPSP
- Psp'n Go
- Ultimate PSP
- Metagames
- PSP Génération
- Thanks to GX Mod too for his participation.
Heres the games
Sudoku V0.9c by Arobase :

Move your flower by zouzzz : Dancing game :

Instructions : Keep pushing the displayed key!
GTA : Driving Forward by Maxime : Drive forward as fast & as long as you can :

Instructions : Use the D-pad or the analog stick to avoid the cars but it's faster & faster!
Dangerous Rise by Lua_user : Avoid rocks and catch balls :

Instructions : "Avalaunch" type game. Avoid rocks and catch balls. Menu, background and difficult can be chosen!
Halo : Spatial CombatS : Guilty spark invasion by Seb117 (Original game : Space Rocks by Xigency) : Spatial shoot'em up :

Instructions : Shoot every Guilty Sparks to pass the level.
Mario : Operation espace by Bibi595 (Original game : Space Rocks by Xigency) : Spatial shoot'em up :

Instructions : Shoot every mushrooms to pass the level.
Thats the games and on the Official Website theres links to many Aids Organisations.
Nice to see a Homebrew Release that supports a good cause so hats off to Zouzz and the team for a very different release and a proper cause to donate money and time to.
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