November 22nd, 2005, 01:46 Posted By: wraggster
Fanjita has once again updated his excellent Eboot Loader for V2.0 Firmware PSP Consoles, heres the info from Fanjita:
<blockquote>With this release, and probably for the next few, the focus is on adding extra supported applications and new techniques to the loader. As a result, a few apps that used to work will probably be broken. I've taken the decision to just live with that, and fix everything up in a couple of releases' time, because attempting to fix up newly-broken EBOOTs is too time
consuming. Every release from 0.8 onwards on is capable of working unaffected alongside previous releases, so this shouldn't be a big deal.
Important changes in this release:
- Introduced a configuration file, to allow tweaking of EBOOTs by end-users. See loader085.cfg for details.
- Improved kernel-mode override patching logic - makes a lot more apps run.
- Attempt to kill surplus system threads, for stability.
- Run loader from reserved memory for increased stability.
- Tidied up some memory reuse in ELF section header handling
- Bundled graphical menu now filters to only display the names of EBOOTs for selection - all the surplus fluff is hidden. Also now handles v1.5 kxploit-style homebrew directory structure.
- Added option to allow L+R+START reset to go back to loader menu, rather than main menu.
New supported EBOOTs:
- SNES9xTYL 0.2c
- TCGS Car
- ASTC (Another Silly Tetris Clone)
- Moppi's Flower Demo
- Tail Tale
- Scrabble Assistant - loads but hangs?
- PSP Revolution
- Heretic PSP
- SMS plus 1.2
- Crystallise 1.0
- Binary Clock
- A-Blit demo</blockquote>
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