March 10th, 2006, 01:39 Posted By: wraggster
Grimfate126 has released a new Lua game for the PSP, heres the info:
<blockquote>Title- Find That Gold!!
installation- Put in apps folder of lua player, and run
you are the pink square (pathetic huh?). SOMEWHERE on the board, there is a gold "square". you move you guy around the board with the d-pad. once you think you are NEAR the gold square, (you can be 50 pixels off) and you press x, either 1 of 2 things will happen:
1. Nothing, this means that you guessed wrong.
2. it will say, "You Found The Gold!!", then it will tell you how many tries it took you to get the gold, and then it will give you a verdict.
HINT: if you are getting annoyed, press select, it will reveal the location of the gold. but it will go away once you move.
please remember that this is my first game, and there may be glitches.
enjoy, and leave some feedback and/or CONSTRUCTIVE critisism.</blockquote>
Download here --> http://rapidshare.de/files/14968697/...ld___.rar.html
If someone can upload to this thread i would be thankful.
Note to all coders please dont use rapidshare, this forum supports uploading of releases 
For more information and downloads, click here!
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