July 18th, 2006, 21:54 Posted By: wraggster
News from LIK SANG
With Final Fantasy VII, Square Enix succeeded in creating a brand inside the bigger universe its FF series represents. Aiming for a wholesome package with their "Compilation of Final Fantasy VII" - consisting of four parts - which includes the already released Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII for mobile, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children for DVD and Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus for PS2. Now, the fourth piece falls into place with Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core on PSP. Anime aficionados will appreciate the visual style of it, ads for the game so far suggest a similar design to Before Crisis. What we are looking at for the first FFVII title for Sony PSP is basically an Action-RPG. Quality can be expected, as production is headed by Yoshinori Kitase (director of the original FFVII) and Hajime Tabata, while character designs are handled by the Square Enix legend Tetsuya Nomura. Crisis Core is a furious prequel to Final Fantasy VII that focuses on Zack and Sephiroth. Project Genesis rings a bell?

Cloud's mate from his time with the elite organisation SOLDIER, Zack appears to come off as the main hero in this instalment, eager to prove himself within Shinra's military ranks. Sword-fighting galore ensues as usual, and boy does the tale look promising in the trailer released! Angeal represents an all-new character for the series, accompanying Zack and wielding a giant sword very similar to Cloud's in FFVII. Those who played Before Crisis will welcome the return of Tseng, a high ranking member of the Turks. Players will progress via events and fast-paced battles, where director Tabata hinted at an unrevealed fresh battle system being included in the final game. Stepping into the shoes of a soldier during that historic time in the FF chronicles, should be one of the most exciting experiences Crisis Core will have to offer.
Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core will seemingly turn out to be a brilliant gaming stint, where Anime influence and FF Action-RPG gameplay should beautifully blend. We certainly can't wait, the US version is due out in August and pre-orders are of course accepted already (Free Shipping Worldwide, as with all import games on Lik-Sang.com). The cool thing is that the game will work right out of the box on any PSP system globally. Region-free by nature, the PSP is a godsend, as you won't need to worry about import compatibility issues here. Simply insert the UMD and start playing!
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