Posted By: wraggster
Whilst checking the Asian Import Sites i found that PlayAsia are already doing preorders on the PSP Slim Consoles.

first heres the info from the site:
Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Final Fantasy VII with the Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core 10th Anniversary Limited Edition Bundle. This bundle is limited to 77,777 units and comes with a copy of Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, a limited and numbered silver slim version PSP with special Crisis Core artwork, and a Buster Sword strap. For true Final Fantasy VII fans, this bundle represents the ultimate collectible!
The Compilation of Final Fantasy marches on with the release of Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core for the PSP! Unlike previous Compilation projects, Crisis Core is not a sequel to FFVII, and is instead a prequel, taking the player back in time to before Cloud Strife's epic adventures. Primarily a real-time action game with some menu-based commands, FFVII: Crisis Core casts players as Zack, former friend and comrade-in-arms of Cloud Strife. Also appearing the game are fan-favorite characters Aerith Gainsborough, Cloud Strife, and Sephiroth. Popular Final Fantasy artist Nomura Tetsuya provides the stunning and distinctive character designs.
Included in the 10th Anniversary Bundle along with the game is a silver slim version PSP adorned with specially-designed Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core artwork. This new, redesigned PSP features increased RAM, a video-out port, and is now lighter and slimmer than the previous PSP! This silver edition is also strictly limited, possessing a unique serial number. Rounding out the package is a Buster Sword strap, made to resemble Cloud's signature weapon from Final Fantasy VII.
The price is US$399.99 [~£198.28] but they wont ship to europe (im sick of that nugget)
Pre Order PSP Slim Here
SO who wants one