Posted By: burrito
Fanjita, a PSP hacker is taking a break from the scene (edit by wraggster)
It seems that various events in my life mean that I won't be able to spend as much time on PSP projects as I would like for the near future.
For one thing, my wife is expecting our first child (yay!), and there's a LOT of preparation to be done - not to mention more things that I need to help out with around the house.
And it's not just time, but money that's in short supply. Since PSP development doesn't pay any bills, I've been having to do some web development work.
The first project is a simple web page for my wife's business, which is producing handmade greetings cards. If you need a special card for a birthday or special occasion, or maybe some wedding stationery that's
sure to make an impression, why not check out
The second project is still under wraps, but I'll maybe speak more about it here when it's unveiled properly.
I'm sure the PSP scene will continue quite happily without me for a few weeks, and of course, the other members of Noobz will still be merrily hacking away in the meantime.

Congrats on the new baby Fanjita