Extreme Link is certainly coming along nicely… Quake has just released v1.4.0 and it features an ingenious way to create your own PNG images for the PSX docmaker.
Ideally you’d have a screen shot, or a few screen shots, and you’d lay them out as desired. Then you’re able to add your own text: strategic details, guide snippets, etc…
PNG Imager is distributed as a separate executable; however, it is included in the Extreme Link v1.4.0 RAR archive.
The changes up until v1.4.0 final:
1. Stripped out a lot of forms.
2. Added in Icon Assoc’
3. Rebuilt File structure.
4. Combined Form Options into one.
5. Added more Menu Options on PSP Explore
6. Added More functions to PSP Explore
7. Added DocMaker Front end
8. Removed Game Saves - PSP Explore Takes care of this
6. Added another Menu Option on PSP Explore
7. Added in the Create and Move features. - PopStation
8. Added DocMaker Front end to Popstation form
9. Fixed Small PNG View on PSP Explore - Computer side
10. Fixed Large PNG view on PSP Explore
11. Fixed Missing code for Copy on PopStation(Copy-Create)
12. Added Preview of ICON0, PIC0, PIC1 on Popstation