December 13th, 2008, 00:45 Posted By: darkweb
pspdod - "Daggorath PC-Port" PSP Port
Version 0.7
By darkweb
December 12, 2008
Thanks to retroemu.com for hosting my site! Come here for a nice community!
Based off of Daggorath PC-Port
Version 0.3
By Richard Hunerlach
May 16, 2003
Other contributors:
Dan Gendreau: Graphics, sound, and cheat enhancements
Tim Lindner: WAV files
Michael Spencer: Discussion Forum Host
Louis Jordan: Inspirer of the 'Adventure Survivors'
Sputnik: Additional enhancements & bug fixes
The copyright for Dungeons of Daggorath is still held by the original author, Douglas J. Morgan.
(c) 1982, DynaMicro
Alright so this is my project which I would consider to be in Beta format.
I was going to submit it to the Winter coding competition for retroemu.com but
sadly that was cancelled.
For those of you that don't know, Dungeons of Daggorath is a wicked "3D" dungeon
crawler from 1982 for the TRS-80. It was fun to play and I still can't believe
that the PSP struggles trying to emulate this computer with a 0.89MHz processor
and 16K of RAM.
So how do you play a game that was originally text based? With an awesome UI created
by yours truly! At the moment, every command is executable so there should be no problems
beating the game (Although I haven't done this yet....).
Here's the current button mapping:
CIRCLE: Brings up the keyboard
TRIANGLE: EXAMINE / LOOK (depending on what mode you're in)
L TRIGGER: Brings up the command creator menu
START: Brings up the game menu
SELECT: Executes P L T, U L, P R SW (only good for getting started)
The command creator allows you to create all combinations of commands you will ever
need (I hope I haven't missed any).
ZSAVE and ZLOAD will use the default save file game.dod.
In the Command Creator Menu, X is select and CIRCLE is cancel. If choosing an item, you can
press TRIANGLE to specify the type of item.
The keyboard lets you type in whatever command you want.
The game menu has a few extras in it just for the psp (and hopefully a few others to come).
You can now Save and Load the game from 10 different slots to give some variety for those
that don't feel like typing in a save command.
In the Configure menu:
FULL SCREEN - does nothing
VIDEO MODE - allows you to change the resolution from the original size, to fit to height,
or stretch to screen.
The rest has the regular functionality of the original game.
Currently the game is a bit slow using the original graphics mode. I would recommend using
the Vector mode.
Also I've only tested this on the PSP slim. If you find any bugs or suggestions, give me a
message at darkwebcrypt at hotmail dot com or visit me at retroemu.com.
Hopefully you guys enjoy this wonderful game!
To Do List:
-Implement cancel partial command from command creator menu
-Add in customizable macros for each button
-add manual as how to play
-Try to increase the speed for plotting dots
-Remove PC specific code
-Commands don't always get input correctly
-PSP locked up while cancelling incant menu?
Change Log:
Version 0.7
-Works for the psp slim
-Implemented Command Creator
-Implemented Keyboard
-Added screen resolution changes
-Added save menu
Get it here: pspdod-0.7.zip
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