A quick post to calm down some news about me and Magixien breaking up….we still love each other very much, and he hasn’t filed any divorce papers yet

A few days ago I contacted TN who told me he wasn’t sure if he would release TN Hen D, which I reported in my blog. This article was true (which can easily be proven since I’m the first one who published the changelog for TN Hen D, before pspgen) , and based on a series of emails Total_Noob and myself personally exchanged.
However an article posted a few hours ago on pspgen stated that TN Hen D will in fact be released, unlike what some “sites with no credibility” were claiming.
I’m convinced the article in pspgen is not targeting my website, but other random websites that claimed to have exclusive interviews with Total_Noob. There’s also a message from Magixien in the pspgen forum saying that I didn’t start this rumor, but he implies that I helped to spread it, which isn’t true, and I hope I made my point clear about that in the pspgen forums.
I’ve known Magixien for a little while now, and I can surely recognize pspgen’s artificial drama articles when I see them. Being in the middle of one of those is like a dream come true

Yes I did contact TN, and yes 3 days ago he was still unsure about the release of his latest HEN, I don’t think I have to prove anything given how long I’ve been in the scene (That and the fact that I was the first beta tester of Total_Noob’s work). I won’t copy/paste his entire email because it did contain personal stuff, but just because he wasn’t sure 3 days ago doesn’t mean he didn’t change his mind recently.
Actually, the confusion comes from the fact that the sites targeted by pspgen’s article are so unknown that nobody even cared to check about them, and therefore people automatically assumed pspgen was targeting me, that I started a rumor, while all I did was making sure it was true by directly contacting Total_Noob. And again, at the time I wrote this article, its content was true. I’m also convinced that the many supportive messages you guys posted here or on /talk helped TN to take his decision.
Anyways, the only thing that matters is that Total_Noob reacted positively to the massive support you guys demonstrated and the release of the new TN HEN D will be done on Friday, and really, that’s what counts

Personal message to Total_Noob: man, if you ever read that, I’m so sorry for all the drama, that was definitely not the goal, and I know you don’t need that on top of all the haters. But hey, it definitely shows people care about your work