November 7th, 2008, 03:47 Posted By: wraggster
No release yet but heres the news from shinydude100
Captain Morgan, Moers, Kreationz, Shinydude100 and Wally Have recieved the compiled eboot of Daedalusx64 Version 0.01 A (Alpha). There are only a few games I've tested out, and what I can say to everyone is that while it isn't %100 full-speed yet, it has had an increase in FPS. Certain games have dramatic speed-increases that are sustained in certain spots like main menus and logos. I almost screamed when I saw the Nintendo Logo on The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time run for like a good second at 129 FPS. Then of course it dropped down, but the menu before initiating game-play ran at about 55-60 Frames per second. The area of the game where Link walks out of his house to be greeted by Sarah, that seemed to run at about 8 Fps Average, but it goes up and down, the Z target makes it jump up to 9 FPS and running around drops it to a 6.8 to 7.. Each PSP may run this differently due to: If your psp is at 333 Mhz, if your options are set the same way I have mine, etc. I have made a short clip of LOZOOT, but don't go crying when you see its impressive frame-rate as other areas are still not fulfilling for some...(That'll be my next goal, to get a caching MUCH like the NeoGeo with Rom Conversion possibly) Well thats it for now, I'll get the video up when I get the nearest chance, You will not ber dissapointed DaedalusX64 Community... just ask the other 4 Authorized Alpha Testers at what they have to say about it. ;-)
Heres some screens:
also this update from chillywilly:
Screenshots of Mario64 running on my TV. The aspect ratio in the pictures looks off, but remember these are a shots of an NTSC TV. I have it set for no overscan. Oh - fixed the screenshot function too. It was dumping the screen after one update when it needed to be dumping after two updates. Now you actually get an image instead of a blank screen.
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