September 22nd, 2006, 04:39 Posted By: Wally
Daedalus "Spiff Up" AKA Daedalus Wally
V 1.0
Hi everyone,
New release of Daedalus Wally for everyone to enjoy. There are no optimizations done but there are many graphical fixes to share.
My aim is to complete the graphical side of daedalus so that StrmnNrmn can concentrate on the optimizations, compatibility and speed side also to keep the waiting game at ease
Micro Machines - Generally not much improvement, however characters are now visible and map is slightly better.
Super Smash Bros :
Characters are now all once piece (Yes i know they have no facial detail and some look funny but this will be fixed in the future.)
Intro is now fun to watch
Nintendo logo is visible @ start (i need to know if its red or not)
Pointer is visible but then disappears when you move it off the stage
Note : This doesnt seem to be getting ingame without support of PSPlink, quite an odd bug really, i swear to you it goes ingame. Here is a screenshot to support my claim

World is not enough:
Not many fixes here except the carpet is red where you start and walls have less black dots, this needs more experience
Diddy Kong Racing:
Some Text at start
Im trying to figure out why it stays blue,
I think it has something to do with the way the blending is done
These fixes may fix some other problems in some other games, however its not guaranteed
There is still a lot to learn, a lot to implement etc but eventually it will be all done**
This wouldn't have been possible without:
sRoon - Providing mux files and feedback
Infernomax - Testing & feedback & Mux files
Briggzy11 - Testing & feedback & Mux files
Video_Freak - Testing & Feedback
Tatsujin - Providing mux files and feedback
SkaterDude - Gave me the idea of adding graphics
Yourself - For viewing this
PLEASE DO NOT ASK HOW TO ADD GRAPHICS, this would make it hard on myself and strmnNrmn when it comes to 100000 separate daedalus builds also explaining every fine detail to you is impossible. However if there is a game that everyone would love to play (Im sure its SSB) that has graphical issues please post it with a good reason and screenshots of graphical hiccups. Zelda OOT will be done in the future when its quicker. I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL CODER SO THERE!
These fixes are not related to speed, speedups, or compatibility (depends if the game runs and its a black screen such as tom and jerry, random crashes with)
** In 100 years
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