Posted By: burrito
A few minutes ago, Strmn Nrmn posted this news on his blog.
R11 Sometime on Sunday
I'm very close to having R11 ready for release, and I'm aiming to have everything finished some time tomorrow morning (that's Sunday morning, UK time.)
I've spent the day putting in number of changes to the way that Daedalus allocates memory for various lookup tables. Namely, I've replaced a couple of stl maps I was using to keep track of cached textures and dynarec fragments with sorted vectors, which should help reduce fragmentation and improve cache usage. Basically it should make things even more stable and give another small speedup.
I've also been through and updated the rom.ini file I talked about a couple of weeks ago to make sure that it contains accurate information for the save type. I noticed that many of the entries for European roms were undefined, which can cause various compatibility problems. Hopefully this should mean that a few more European roms are working in R11.
Finally I realised that there was a dynarec issue which was preventing Super Smash Bros from going in-game. Although that's not fixed (that's something for R12) I have disabled dynarec for SSB by default. With my various texture cache fixes SSB is now running in-game, albeit with messed up graphics and at just 15 fps. Here's a teaser screenshot of SSB running in R11:
Given how many people have been asking for SSB compatibility to be improved, I'm pretty sure this is going to be my main focus for R12. If I can fix the dynarec issue it looks like this is going to run at a solid 25-30fps or more.
Anyway, check back sometime over the next 12 hours for R11 (I'm off to bed for now, let's hope I don't lie in
Can't wait!